| 学校简介
University of North America (UoNA) 北美大学坐落于弗吉尼亚州Fairfax费尔法克斯市,交通方便,距离美国国会大厦和白宫不到 22 英里。学校创建于2008 年,2009年 3 月,大学获得弗吉尼亚州高等教育理事会(SCHEV)许可,可授予工商管理硕士(MBA),计算机科学硕士(MSCS)以及信息技术科学硕士(MSIT)。2009 年 10 月,大学获得 SEVP/ICE 授权可以招收国际学生,并将课程实践培训(CPT)纳入硕士项目的课程结构(curriculum)中。
在2018年11月和2018年12月,该大学先后获得了 弗吉尼亚州高等教育理事会(SCHEV) 和 美国独立学院和学校认证委员会(ACICS) 的批准,可以提供会计和金融理学硕士学位(MSAF),网络安全科学硕士(MSCYS),教育/教学技术科学硕士(MSEIT),管理和数据分析科学硕士(MSMDA),和系统与应用工程科学硕士(MSSAE)。
2020年4月,ACICS 批准大学可以以100% online 的形式提供 MBA 课程。
2008 年至 2017 年的 10 年间,学校的办公室位于弗吉尼亚州Vienna 市。随着学校招生数量的增长,学校于 2017 年秋季迁到位于 Fairfax 的新校址。新校址占地 6.92英尺,有高科技企业和小型企业入驻,为学校学生提供了大量的实习机会。学校位于 286 号高速公路与 66 号州际公路交界处,交通四通八达。
学校有弗吉尼亚州高等教育理事会 State Council of Higher Education for Virginia(SCHEV) 认证,获得独立学院和学校认可委员会(ACICS)的认证,可颁发学士和硕士学位。 独立学院和学校认证委员会受到全美高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)的许可。
| Day-1 CPT 政策
学校的硕士项目采用 “Integrated Applied Learning” 的模式,无论是国际学生或者本地学生,都需要参加实习,实习是课程要求的一个关键部分。
在每门课结束的时候,要求每个学生写一篇 paper 论述他们如何运用课程中学到的知识到实际工作中,以及这些工作或实习如何提升他们的能力。这样的实习可以让学校的毕业生获得工作经验,提高人际交往能力,并且提高毕业时的就业率。
学校的 Student Service 部门也会协助学生找到相关的实习。这样的实习可以是 paid 或者 unpaid,full-time(每周工作 20 小时以上)或者 part-time(每周工作少于 20 小时)。
如果 H1b 的申请过程中被移民局质疑全职 CPT 实习的必要性,学校会协助出官方文件说明 CPT 实习是项目必不可少的一个组成部分,是必修课程,并不是选修课程。有这份说明文件后关于全职 CPT的质疑一般移民局都会通过。
| 开学上课
学校采用 quarter制,每年 4 个 quarter,每个 quarter 为期 11 周,quarter 和 quarter 之间有 1-2 周的休假时间,学生可以在每个quarter 开学的时间入学。
每个 quarter 需要完成 2 门课程。连续上完 3 个 quarter 可以休假一个 quarter。
学校每个 quarter 为期 11 周,需 onsite 出勤 11 次,每次周六上课半天,每个 quarter可以请假最多不能超过 3 次,否则这门课会挂掉,学校会要求重修这门课。
2021-2022 学年开学时间/申请截止时间
学期 | 开学时间 | 申请截止时间 |
Summer 2022 | July 5, 2022 | June 29,2022 |
Fall 2022 | September 26,2022 | September 21. 2022 |
Winter 2023 | January 3,2022 | December 28, 2022 |
点击查看 2021-2022教学日历
申请截止日期为开学前 4 周。错过截止时间的同学,请和野火教育老师联系,可以通过内部合作老师渠道帮你安排尽早的面试,最快 3-5 天出录取通知书和 I-20。
学费(2020 -2021 学年)
每个quarter 需要修2 门课,每门课 4.5 个学分,一共 9 个学分。硕士项目需要完成 54 个学分,最快可以 1 年 6 个月完成。
硕士项目每个学分$390美元,每个 quarter 9 个学分学费一共 $3,510 美元,国际学生每年需最少注册 3 个 quarter 共 $10,530 美元。
需要申请 CPT 的同学,不需要额外交CPT 学分的学费,但连续上完 3 个学期申请休假学期(Approved Quarter Off)的时候,需要交$585美元的 CPT 管理费用。
| 硕士项目介绍
硕士项目的学生 需要按照下面课程安排,在 2 年(最长 3 年)的时间完成以下 12 门课程。其中 2 门公共必修课,5 门专业必修课,4 门专业选修课,以及一门毕业论文课程。标准项目时长为 24 个月(含 vacation term),最多可以延长至 3 年完成。硕士项目允许最多从其他学校 transfer 9 个学分(2 门课程)。
Common Core Courses - 2 Courses
Program Core Courses - 5 Courses
Elective Courses - 4 Courses
Capstone Course - 4.5 Credits
Program Total - 54 Credits
College of Business and Management商学院有以下项目可以全职CPT (Full-time CPT):
Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSAF)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Science in Educational/Instructional Technology (MSEIT)
College of Technology 科技学院有以下项目可以全职CPT (Full-time CPT):
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
Master of Science in Cyber Security (MSCYS)
Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)
Master of Science in Management and Data Analytics (MSMDA)
Master of Science in System and Application Engineering (MSSAE)
Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (MSAF)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
ACCT520 Accounting for Decision Making
ACCT521 Advanced Accounting
ECON520 Managerial Economics
FINS520 Finance for Decision Making
QANT510 Statistics for Decision Making
Elective Courses (18 credits):
Group 1 Electives:
ACCT 522 Principles of Taxation
ACCT523 Auditing
ACCT524 International Accounting
Group 2 Electives:
FINS530 Financial Data / Statistics Management
FINS540 Investment Portfolio Management
FINS550 Case Studies in Financial Analysis and Reporting
备注:申请人需要有 accounting 工作及学习经历。其他申请人如果没有相关背景,本科学业中需最少完成一门企业会计以及一门经济学课程。
Master Of Business And Administration (MBA)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
ACCT520 Accounting for Decision Making
ECON520 Managerial Economics
FINS520 Finance for Decision Making
MKTG571 Marketing Management
QANT510 Statistics for Decision Making
Elective Courses (18 credits):
Four courses selected from master’s program electives
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
Master of Science in Educational/Instructional Technology (MSEIT)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
EITE510 Principles of Learning/Teaching Strategies and Methods
EITE520 Transformational Education/Instruction
EITE530 Contemporary Classroom Approaches
EITE540 Integrating Technology in the Classroom
EITE550 Ethical Considerations for Educational/ Instructional Technologies
Elective Courses (18 credits):
EITE 505 Adaptive Teaching and Learning Approaches
EITE 515 Tools for Digital-Age Learning Strategies
EITE 525 Data-Driven Instruction for Individualized Learning
EITE 535 Outcome-Based Instructional Applications
EITE 545 Active Learning in the Collaborative Classroom
EITE 555 Strategies for Adapting System-Wide Technologies Total Electives 18
Capstone Course (4.5 credits): CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
CMSC501 Structure of Programming Languages
CMSC 512 Computer Architecture
CMSC530 Operating System Internals
INST569 Data and System Security
TECH540 Database Management Systems
Elective Courses (18 credits):
Four courses selected from master’s program electives
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
Master of Science in Cyber Security (MSCYS)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
INST 540 Information Security Policy
INST 541 Principles of Information Security
INST 542 Information Security Risk
INST 569 Data and System Security
INST 570 Information Security Ethics and Legal Aspects
Elective Courses (18 credits):
CYBR 501 Cybersecurity Range Lab Simulations and Training
CYBR 502 Operating System Internals
CYBR 550 System Architecture and Security Design
CMSC 530 Forensics and Incident Response
CMSC 580 Cloud and Security Control
INST 543 System Defense and Network Security
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
INST534 Computer and Information Networking
INST574 Management Information Systems
INST569 Data and System Security
TECH540 Database Management Systems
TECH581 Electronic Business Systems
Elective Courses (18 credits):
Four courses selected from master’s program electives
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
Master of Science in Management and Data Analytics (MSMDA)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
DATA 521Tackling Big Data Challenges-Intro to Big Data
DATA 522 Solving Big Data Problems- Data Analytics
DATA 524 Information Visualization
INST 522 Database Design and Processing
QANT 510 Statistics for Decision Making
Elective Courses (18 credits):
DATA 523 Big Data Technologies
INST 525 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
DATA 526 Advanced Analytics and Modeling
DATA 530 Demonstrated Solutions with Analytics
QANT 520 Probabilistic and Scholastic Models
QANT 530 Statistical Estimation and Regression Analysis
DATA 540 Deterministic Optimization Models
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
备注:该项目要求申请人本科为 Information Technology 或 Business Management,Marketing 等专业,或者完成一门计算机语言课程以及一门 calculus 或 introductory statistics 的课程,或者有相关领域工作经验。
Master of Science in System and Application Engineering (MSSAE)
Common Core Courses (9 credits):
MGMT515 Management that Transforms
TECH515 Technology that Transforms Program
Core Courses (22.5 credits):
CMSC 509 Software Methodology
CMSC 512 Computer Architecture
DATA 521 Tackling Big Data Challenges
INST 534 Computer and Information Networking
CMSC 580 System Architecture and Security Design
Elective Courses (18 credits):
CMSC 530 Operating Systems Internals
CMSC 583 Software Programming Testing and Integration
CMSC 589 JAVA Programming
MSAE 530 Cloud and Mobile Computing
DATA 523 Big Data Technologies
INST 518 Technology and Operations Management
MSAE 550 Emerging Systems and Technologies
CYBR 501 Cloud and Security Controls
CYBR 502 System Defense and Network Security
Capstone Course (4.5 credits):
CAPS600 Graduate Capstone
备注:该项目要求申请人本科为 Information Technology,Engineering,Computer Science,Mathematics 或者其他Science相关专业,或者有相关领域工作经验。
| 申请流程
护照 Passport
签证 Visa
个人简历 Resume
语言成绩(托福最低 75 分,在美国完成本科或研究生项目的可以 waive 掉语言成绩)
本科官方成绩单 Official Transcript
存款证明(最近三月内、余额超过2.3W 美元以上的 bank statement或等额人民币存款证明均可
拨打 909-858-(7888) 或扫描二维码添加微信 领取最新美东华盛顿地区 CPT 学校北美大学 UONA 项目资料,申请奖学金,安排招生官老师面试,免除学校申请费,加入学校微信群和小伙伴们一起讨论!

H1B等待期间 如何维持身份?










电话: (909)-858-7888
